Monday, April 23, 2012

For Love of Family...

It's been a long time since I've blogged...but I have a good excuse for my naughtiness.  I was studying for the Professional Engineer's Exam - an 8-hour, 100-question all engineering test that required all my time, energy, concentration, and will power to prepare for.  So, forgive me for not having the ability to think about anything other than chemical formulas, Bernouli's equation, or proper sizing of wastewater treatment systems for the last few weeks.  Yeah, my life was pretty darn exciting for the entire month of March. all things, good and bad, that day has passed, and now I am able to go back to my normal, witty, charming self.  I know you were all missing me so much!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Seriously Japan???

While reading through a blog I read regularly - The Everywhereist - who actually does post articles almost religiously without becoming boorish or annoying - I found a link to a BBC article.  A VERY disturbing article in my opinion.  From the brilliant minds of some Japanese farmer-scientists, it is with great trepidation and fear for the natural order of the world that I share with you....

wait for it...

wait for it...

wait for it...

Monday, April 2, 2012

Weekend in Review

Because I'm currently studying for the Professional Engineering exam, my weekends for the past 5 weeks have consisted of me sitting at my kitchen table, in front of a laptop, listening to professors and engineering professionals lecture about all topics covered in the Environmental PE Exam, which I'm taking on Friday, April 13.  The review course is given online, and literally consists of 7 hours of exam prep every Saturday and Sunday for the entire month of March.  It was a brutal experience.  My last class was yesterday...and I'm glad I took the course, because I'm pretty sure I need a refresher on all things engineering before sitting for this exam...but I'm not sure the class prep is going to be enough to get me through the grueling 8 hour, 100 question, multiple choice exam I'll be sitting through next week.  Plus it was hard to stay focused on stuff like this:

For 7 straight hours 2 days in a row, with lecturers whose native language definitely wasn't English.  By the end of each class, but especially on Sundays,