So, here's some pictures of what our house looks like decorated for Halloween and with the belgian block bordering the "gardens." Please forgive the copious amounts of leaves that are littering the front porch, they cannot be stopped...I know, I've tried! Not the best quality pictures as they were taken on a grayish morning using our phone cameras, but hopefully you get the idea. We'll be installing lattice in the gaping holes this weekend...and actually cementing the block into place. Hopefully we'll get our mailbox and house number installed also. Then we should be good to go minus filling in that garden to the right of the stairs...see how badly it slopes off? It needs fill....STAT!
And, now that I'm looking at these, I think mums on both sides of the steps would give it some more symmetry, and make my engineering-oriented brain feel that all is better in the world. Guess I'll be going to the store to buy some mums tonight!
Enjoy the pics :)

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